2019 Annual Meeting

TRLN’s Annual Meeting is a one-day event that brings together library staff from across all four member institutions to listen, learn, network, and brainstorm new ways of collaborating. While the meeting format has varied slightly from year to year, the program typically includes a keynote speaker who represents the academic library or publishing field; presentations by TRLN members about recent or current projects in their libraries; and a lunchtime talk and reading given by a North Carolina author.

Planning of the TRLN Annual Meeting is guided by a Steering Committee, in coordination with TRLN central office staff.

2019 Annual Meeting Steering Committee:
Danielle Colbert-Lewis (NCCU)
Suchi Mohanty (UNC-CH)
Aaron Welborn (Duke)
Brittany Wofford (Duke)
David Woodbury (NCSU)

2019 Annual Meeting Details:

Dr. Louise Bernard

The 2019 TRLN Annual Meeting will take place on Thursday, July 11, at the William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education in Chapel Hill. Registration will open on June 11 and will close on July 4; watch this page for a link to the registration form!

This year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Louise Bernard, Director of the Museum of the Obama Presidential Center. Stay tuned for the announcement of a lunchtime speaker!