Executive Committee

The Executive Committee engages in planning, conducts mid-year budget reviews, plans the annual meeting of the Governing Board, and makes decisions as necessary between meetings of the Board. The membership of the Executive Committee consists of the four University Librarians and the TRLN Executive Director, ex officio. The Chair serves a two-year term in a rotation order of Duke, NCCU, UNC, NCSU.


Joseph Salem
University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs
Duke University

Greg Raschke, Chair
Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries
North Carolina State University

Lisa Croucher (Ex Officio)
Executive Director
Triangle Research Libraries Network

Theodosia Shields
Director of Library Services
North Carolina Central University

MarĂ­a Estorino
Vice Provost and University Librarian
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill