Interest Groups

Propose an Interest Group

Propose an interest group using this form. A TRLN staff member will contact you to discuss next steps for the group. Reach out to with any questions.



Interest Groups provide a forum for groups of individuals who want to explore a particular area of common interest, regardless of whether the topic is explicitly aligned with a TRLN priority area.

The desire to establish an Interest Group may be expressed by an individual or group of individuals within a member library or by a TRLN staff member. Proposals to establish an Interest Group will be reviewed and approved by the TRLN Advisory Council.

An Interest Group may transition into a Working Group if the Advisory Council identifies a specific project, activity, or opportunity that warrants a specific charge and has a specific deliverable. Likewise, Working Groups that have fulfilled their charge may transition into Interest Groups.


The membership of Interest Groups will vary by group. Each group will designate one person as the convener. The convener will serve as the point of contact for the Advisory Council, Working Groups, or TRLN staff, as needed.


Interest Groups are expected to:

  • Submit the Interest Group Proposal Form.
  • Advance knowledge or promote collaborative action.
  • Present a minimum of two reports per year (in January and June) on activities to the Advisory Council.
  • As needed, prepare proposals for TRLN funding, when available, or seek opportunities for external funding.
  • As desired, present on activities at conferences and meetings, including the TRLN Annual Meeting.
  • As needed, consult domain experts at home library on activities and on reports and proposals prior to submitting to the Advisory Council.


While interest groups do not necessarily have to be closely aligned with TRLN’s current priorities, the level of support provided by TRLN staff will be determined by staff capacity and priorities. Interest groups may have access to the following resources and services:

  • Communication support (space on TRLN web site, space in TRLN newsletter, calendar entries, virtual workspace as needed, template for quarterly reports, template for TRLN funding proposals).
  • Guidance on event planning and logistics. 

Current Interest Groups:

Born Digital Special Collections
Contacts: Matthew Farrell ( and Mary Mellon (

Contact: Nerea Llamas (

Disaster Response

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Heads of Technical Services
Contact: Dracine Hodges (

International Area Studies and Global Collections
Contact: Heidi Madden (

Contact: Maggie Dickson (

Special Collections Technical Services
Contact: Jackie Dean (