Governing Board

The Governing Board holds the ultimate authority of TRLN.  The Governing Board is responsible for retaining qualified executive leadership for TRLN, establishing policy, approving operating budgets, overseeing assets, and setting strategic directions. Membership consists of the Provosts of the member institutions, the University Librarian from each member institution, and the TRLN Executive Director, ex officio. The Governing Board meets at least annually, at such time and place as the chairperson of the Board may determine.


Alec D. Gallimore
Duke University

David H. Jackson Jr.
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
North Carolina Central University

Warwick A. Arden, Chair
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
North Carolina State University

Christopher Clemens
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost of Academic Affairs
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Lisa Croucher (Ex Officio)
Executive Director
Triangle Research Libraries Network

Joe Salem
University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs
Duke University

Theodosia Shields
Director of Library Services
North Carolina Central University

Greg Raschke
Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries
North Carolina State University

MarĂ­a Estorino
Vice Provost and University Librarian
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill