Friday, July 16, 2021
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
In April, TRLN hosted an event about the digital archive for the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition for which you registered. The same organizers are hosting a follow up event to explore and discuss generating a folksonomy for the archive’s materials. This interactive session will be an exchange of ideas between attendees and the archive’s organizers so each can explore folksonomy development together and learn from each other’s expertise. Goals for this session include:
- Increased awareness of the Stop LAPD Spying Archive;
- Exploration and discussion of the tools and strategies of folksonomy development in other projects participants have heard about or worked directly with;
- Collect feedback on folksonomy development process for project and the user experience of the archive’s platform;
- Form connections between traditional library cataloging work and more inclusive forms of cataloging like folksonomies;
- Gain knowledge from a case study that could inform the way libraries work;
- Exposure to a social justice project that incorporates skills often used in libraries.
We are looking for about 10 participants. If you are interested in participating, please contact