TRLN Program Plan, 2019-2021


Our collaboration and decision-making from 2019-2021 will be guided by the following plan:

  1. Sharing Collections  
      1. Develop a robust, complementary, accessible, and efficiently managed print collection that takes advantage of members’ geographic proximity, serves diverse user communities, and highlights our unique collections
        1. Shared index
        2. Discovery
        3. Unmediated borrowing (and related policies)
        4. Consortial and external print retention initiatives
        5. Innovative approaches to licensing, discovery, and access
      2. Continue to work toward shared digital collections and collaborative licensing of digital materials
  2. Recruitment and Development of Talent
    1. Facilitate development and sharing of knowledge and skills that increase the capacity, leadership, and creativity of individuals, libraries, and institutions
      1. Activities (seminars, training events, conferences, institutes)
      2. Communities (working groups, interest groups)
    2. Promote diversity and inclusion within the profession
    3. Attract talent to TRLN libraries
    4. Create and pursue opportunities for collaboration with SILS and SLIS
  3. Effecting Change
    1. Pursue collaborative advocacy in scholarly communication, including the research workflow, licensing of electronic materials, and sharing of digital resources
    2. Disseminate our products and findings through the publication of white papers on topics of interest to academic libraries, open source tools such as GitHub, presentations and posters, and social media
    3. Expand the impact of our consortium with external entities such as ARL, HathiTrust, OCLC, governmental agencies, other consortia, publishers, policy makers, and potential funders