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TRLN and Project ReShare Represented at Code4Lib

From February 20-22, a diverse community of developers and technologists for libraries, museums, and archives congregated in San Jose, CA, for the Code4Lib 2019 conference.  This annual event is an excellent opportunity to share ideas and foster collaboration surrounding open technologies.

This year, the conference program included presentations that highlighted two of TRLN’s high-priority collaborative efforts: the consortium’s new shared index, and Project ReShare.

On day 1 of the conference, Emily Lynema, Department Head of Information Technology at NC State and the TRLN Discovery Product Owner for NC State, gave a presentation titled “Consortial discovery and resource sharing: Making it happen with (mostly) standard tools.” You can watch a video recording of Emily’s presentation on the Code4Lib Youtube channel (starts at 52:29).

On day 2, Genia Kazymova, TRLN Applications Developer, presented a poster session about the architecture of the shared index. The poster, titled “Need a Shared Index? TRLN Discovery Project: Software and AWS Architecture Overview,” can be viewed here. Click here for the accompanying handout.

Finally, on day 3, Jill Morris of PALCI and Kristen Wilson of Index Data presented on the challenges and opportunities present in the current landscape of resource sharing, and Project ReShare’s vision for how to meet them. View the slide deck here or watch a video recording of the presentation here.

Thank you to all of these women for helping share these exciting stories of collaboration and innovation!