
TRLN is live in ReShare

On June 21, TRLN went live with ReShare Returnables – an open source resource sharing platform. ReShare is now the engine for our consortial borrowing and lending program – TRLN Direct.

This change to patrons was largely invisible and intended to be so, but the change to ReShare Returnables brings great improvements for staff working in these services and ultimately, improves patrons’ experiences.

What is ReShare?

ReShare is both a platform and a community. TRLN has long been a member of the ReShare community to guide the development of the platform and we are very excited to be using it now.

ReShare Returnables is the first module we implemented to manage the borrowing and lending of physical materials, but an exciting part of the ReShare community is the opportunity to adopt other community developed modules for non-returnables and controlled digital lending.

TRLN member libraries have been sharing resources for decades. Given our close geographic proximity, sharing materials is one of our core activities. We’re pleased to make our longstanding and successful service even better. It’s especially exciting to improve our own service through participation in a creative and collaborative community that has prioritized open source approaches to supporting libraries.”

Lisa Croucher, Executive Director of TRLN

About Our Implementation

Although our work with ReShare goes back to being a founding member of the community, our local effort to adopt Reshare Returnables started with a thorough evaluation and comparison of other platforms throughout the Spring of 2022 – resulting in a recommendation to adopt ReShare Returnables.

The ReShare Implementation Working Group formed in June 2022 with a goal of going live in the Summer of 2023. We partnered with Index Data, a longstanding development partner of the platform and community, to host and implement ReShare Returnables.

ReShare Returnables relies on a shared source of records to know both what items we have in our collections and what can be loaned. We decided to contribute our MARC data to POD, where the records could easily be harvested by Index Data and searched by ReShare.

Now that we are live with ReShare, we join a peer group of several library consortiums already using the platform – Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation, PALCI, and ConnectNY. TRLN is excited to be part of this community of users.

With great gratitude, we want to thank the ReShare Implementation Working Group members for their work as part of this implementation. Members include:

  • Duke University
    • Michael Edwards, Resource Sharing Librarian
    • Andrea Loigman, Head, Access and Delivery Services
    • Erin Nettifee, IT Business Analyst
  • NC Central
    • Vickie Spencer, Head Circulation Librarian
    • Yan Wang, Systems Librarian
  • NC State University
    • Mia Partlow, Resource Sharing Librarian
    • Thomas Jones, Access Services University Library Specialist
    • Kristen Wilson, Discovery Systems Manager
  • UNC at Chapel Hill
    • RenĂ©e Bosman, Government Information Librarian
    • Ashleigh Donaldson, Borrowing Assistant
    • Jamie McGarty, Library Software Applications Developer
    • Joe Moran, Systems Administrator
    • David Pierpont, Saturday and Carrels Supervisor
  • TRLN
    • Kelly Farrell, Program Officer (Project lead)
    • Genia Kazymova, Applications Developer

Reach out to with any questions.