
2023 DLF Forum and NDSA DigiPres Recap

The 2023 CLIR events included the DLF Forum and NDSA DigiPres held in St. Louis, Missouri November 12 through 16.

Featured Speakers

The Forum started with a fascinating and insightful talk about “gaming as a place where Black history and culture can be told outside conventional tropes and stereotypes that often pervade media” by Dr. Kishonna Gray entitled “Archiving Cultures: Gaming as Black Digital Storytelling”.

Recording of Dr. Kishonna Gray’s DLF Forum Opening Plenary

NDSA DigiPress featured a talk from Dr. Jamie Lee entitled “Kairotic and Kin-centric Archives: Addressing Abundances and Abandonments” to “reveal the practices, pedagogies, and possibilities of working in, with, and for non-dominant communities in the maintenance of their memories as bodies of knowledge, experiences, affects, and relations”.

Recording of Dr. Jamie Lee’s NDSA DigiPress Opening Plenary

Sessions of Note

Several sessions featuring TRLN colleagues included:

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