The following message was sent by the TRLN Executive Committee to the staffs of the member libraries on March 17, 2025.
Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to inform you of some changes to the future direction of the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN).
Since its founding in 1977—and with roots dating back to cooperative collecting agreements in the 1930s—TRLN has played an essential role in bringing together the library systems of Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State, and NC Central Universities. Together, we have extended our collective impact, contributing to the growth and sharing of library resources.
Over the years, many of our staff have attended professional development workshops organized by TRLN, presented at TRLN’s Annual Meetings, and contributed to the implementation of TRLN Discovery and Project ReShare, allowing users to find and access materials from our member libraries quickly and easily. As the oldest library consortium in the U.S., TRLN has built a distinguished legacy of innovation, collaboration, and capacity building in the library profession.
However, today’s digital-first landscape calls for a shift in strategy so that the consortium can remain effective and sustainable.
In 2024, the TRLN Executive Committee engaged an external consultant to conduct an in-depth operational review of the consortium. That review involved extensive stakeholder engagement with library staff at all four institutions, focusing on TRLN’s fundamental strengths as well as opportunities to reprioritize. The review also took into account the upcoming transition to Alma by all four library systems, with new tools that could take the place of TRLN Discovery as a next-generation unified discovery platform.
Informed by this review, the Executive Committee has agreed to refocus TRLN’s strategy and structure. The result will be a smaller, more streamlined organization that prioritizes the activities TRLN is uniquely positioned to advance:
- Resource sharing among member libraries
- Print courier service between member libraries
- Communities of practice among the staff of member institutions
- Maximizing collaboration within Alma during and after each institution’s transition to the same library enterprise system
This new strategic direction will be supported by a TRLN team of just one or two individuals, still based at Duke, operating in more of a coordinating role. To oversee and assist with this transition over the next 12-18 months, the TRLN Executive Committee has appointed Sue Baughman, former Deputy Executive Director of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), to serve as a consultant. More information about TRLN’s new structure will be available in the coming months, and we encourage you to consult the FAQ on TRLN’s website for additional details.
At this time, we want to express our sincere gratitude to TRLN Executive Director Lisa Croucher, Applications Developer Genia Kazymova, and Program Administrator McKenna Lakin for their dedication and contributions to TRLN over the years. We are committed to providing them with all the support they need as they transition away from TRLN in the months ahead.
While this is a new direction for TRLN, we are confident that it will enable our libraries to better serve our campus communities in a rapidly changing information landscape. We remain committed to building upon the successes of TRLN, including the shared print initiatives, courier service to facilitate resource sharing, and shared resource discovery platforms.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we shape this new chapter for TRLN. We look forward to our continued partnership in support of the evolving needs and goals of our campus communities now and in the future.
María R. Estorino
Vice Provost and University Librarian, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Greg Raschke
Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries, North Carolina State University
Joseph A. Salem, Jr.
University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs, Duke University
Theodosia T. Shields, Ph.D.
Director of Library Services, North Carolina Central University